Deep breath everyone!

What would be the maddest thing to do in this economic climate? Yep, you’re right, set up a shop selling non-essential items that can’t open during lockdown. What’s worse is we still don’t have the online shop sorted properly and this is going to be a physical space!

I’m lucky enough to have a space in part of the house – a space that can be turned into an open studio environment. It is currently my studio and office. As I sit here surrounded by, well, lots and lots of things (each one of value to me!), it feels like an impossible task.

The space needs to fulfil three functions:

  • My creative studio and mending/recycling space and storage for all the gubbins this requires;
  • My office to run online sales, photography and events from and in which to write;
  • A sales area for the vast amount of stock I have, my creations and a range of photographic outputs.

The only new one of these functions is the last one – the sales area!

So here are the before pictures – don’t hold your breath but the aim is to get it sorted by the end of non-essential lockdown. It’s exciting and we need it to work but also distressing in the same way that downsizing is.

There are a lot of windows so the light is fantastic, but the danger of sun-bleaching has to be taken into account. The views are wonderful but suddenly I need wall space! Fortunately, there is already an external entrance door, but I have so much to learn.

I will continue to blog my adventures, so do stay tuned (as they used to say).

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